Green Transformation and Energy Systems
The Green Transformation represents one of the greatest socio-economic challenges of the present. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with climate goals requires changes and measures in all areas of the economy and society. This includes increasing energy and resource efficiency (also in terms of the circular economy), switching to renewable resources and changing lifestyles. Fossil energy sources are responsible for a large share of greenhouse gas emissions in Austria and the EU. The transformation of energy systems therefore plays a key role in the Green Transformation.
A central question within the framework of the thematic platform is which political instruments are necessary for the transformation and how these should be designed in order to use synergies between ecological, social and economic goals and to minimise trade-offs. What measures need to be taken not only to achieve the climate goals, but also to avoid negative impacts on vulnerable groups and to increase the competitiveness of Austrian companies?
Another focus is on the impacts of the transformation on different economic sectors and analyses of the macroeconomic effects of a circular economy or individual emission reduction measures at national or regional level.
The Green Transformation also requires adequate monitoring systems that map aspects of sustainability and quality of life that are not included in traditional GDP. Relevant work in this area includes, for example, the development, operationalisation and nowcasting or forecasting of Beyond GDP indicators.