Assoc. Prof. Michael Peneder

Michael Peneder has been working in the Research Group "Industrial, Innovation and International Economics" since July 1992. He is Deputy Director of WIFO since October 2022 (as he was from 2010 to 2013) responsible for scientific coordination. Important international projects under his leadership include the coordination of the EUKLEMS productivity calculation for Austria (2003-2007), the EU Commission's annual reports on European competitiveness (2006-2014) or productivity analyses at company level in cooperation with the OECD (since 2020). He studied economics at the University of Vienna and at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (habilitation 2017). In addition to his teaching activities in Vienna, he was a visiting professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto (2004, 2008, 2015) and a visiting researcher at the Universities of Harvard (2009, 2018) and Stanford (2003, 2015). His research on competitiveness, productivity, innovation and entrepreneurial finance has been published in numerous international journals. His book "Schumpeter's Venture Money" (co-authored with Andreas Resch) was awarded the International Schumpeter Society (ISS) Prize in 2022.

Ongoing project since: 20.11.2024
Contractor project: World Economic Forum
Ongoing project since: 22.12.2023
Contractor project: World Economic Forum
Project duration: 14.04.2023 to 15.09.2023
Contractor project: Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying