The Institute's organisation is clearly structured into a Management Board, five Research Groups and supporting service areas. The Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Institute and its research agenda, and appoints a management team to assist him or her. This team includes the Deputy Director, Research and the Deputy Director, External Relations, who are appointed on a rotating basis from among the economists, as well as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Executive Board supervises the activities of WIFO, e.g., by approving the annual budget, convening the General Assembly, etc. The Scientific Advisory Board advises WIFO on strategic issues and on the research strategy.
The economists and research assistants of the five Research Groups combine the expertise of the economic sub-disciplines. In addition, the Research Groups work across disciplines in order to use WIFO's broad economic know-how for research on relevant topics and challenges. The Research Groups are coordinated by rotating Research Group coordinators from among the economists.

Links: WIFO's five Research Groups – Thematic platforms
The Management Board and the Research Groups are supported by the divisions Research Services, Communication, Finance, Human Resources, Data Science & Development, Surveys and Technical Infrastructure.
WIFO's research work is organised in the form of projects, in which flexible teams with clear responsibilities and division of labour work together on a temporary basis. Depending on the research questions, the project teams are also composed of several Research Groups and are temporarily led by a project manager. For larger projects, the project leader is supported by a trained project manager who implements appropriate tools for efficient project management and takes on organisational tasks.