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We introduce
Doctoral Student
Tobias Scheckel, MSc
Tobias Scheckel and has been working as an economist in the Research Group "Macroeconomics and Public Finance" at WIFO since September 2023. He completed his master's degree in economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna)...
On 11 September, Maik Schneider (@UniGraz) spoke at a #WIFO Research Seminar about the impact of AI on the labour market.
▶️ Watch the video here: https://t.co/yyQRBEE9gQ
Congratulations! @AnjaSebbesen & @BirgitEMeyer won the Isaac Kerstenetzky Best Paper Award from the Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys #CIRET for their soon-to-be-published research on 'Trade Fairs & the Exchange of Firms' Beliefs'.… https://t.co/i6N5vGodVMhttps://t.co/rs9L5DqKhi
Unwetter - #WIFO-Direktor @GFelbermayr: Zerstörung wird im BIP nicht abgebildet.
Wiederaufbau erhöht regionales Bruttoinlandsprodukt, Naturkatastrophen aber langfristig schlecht für betroffene Regionen - "Statistische Illusion, dass Desaster gut sind" https://t.co/RXjPeCo4r6
Simulation von Änderungen des Pensionssystems auf die Höhe der Alterseinkommen und den Gender Pension Gap in Österreich - #WIFO-Studie im Auftrag der @AKLinz @CMayrhuber @ian_del_mar https://t.co/Bk67YvDLkohttps://t.co/sHeFfoxtXs