Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

The core competences of the Research Group lie in the investigation of structural changes in a spatial dimension from an economic policy perspective and in business cycle analysis at regional and sectoral level.

The economic policy consulting services of the Research Group relate to aspects of regional and structural policy in Austria and the EU, determinants of regional growth, regional location analyses and location concepts, aspects of regional labour market policy as well as transport, infrastructure, housing, tourism and leisure policy. In addition, the Research Group contributes to regional and sectoral accounts and forecasts (e.g., regional value added and labour market forecasts, tourism satellite accounts, construction industry forecasts) as well as to regional and sectoral business cycle reporting as part of its regular work.

The methodological competences available in the Research Group are of great importance for the estimation of the macroeconomic and regional economic effects of economic policy measures, but also for the economic evaluation of the scope for action to cope with the medium-term challenges for the domestic regional economies. With the help of input-output models at the level of Austrian districts and federal states, but also for the countries of the European Union and the most important world regions, it is possible to provide information on sectoral changes in production, gross value added and employment. In addition, the Research Group deals with the further development and application of complex econometric methods for measuring the causal effects of economic policy interventions and for preparing forecasts.

Economic Development in the Austrian Federal Provinces in 2023
Finalization: July 2024
Specialist publication: WIFO-Monatsberichte
JEL-Codes: R10, R11, O18
Results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (Business Cycle Survey) of June 2024
Finalization: June 2024
Contractor project: European Commission
Specialist publication: WIFO-Konjunkturtest
Finalization: June 2024
Project partner Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Statistics Austria
Contractor project: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism
Ongoing project since: 26.04.2024
Contractor project: Federal Procurement Agency
JEL-Codes: H57, L32, C81
Keywords: Public procurement, Market potential
Ongoing project since: 18.03.2024
Contractor project: The Vienna City Administration, Economic Chamber: Vienna
Ongoing project since: 12.02.2024
Contractor project: The Vienna City Administration
WIFO Senior Economist Julia Bachtrögler-Unger Examines the Role of Administrative Capacity
Economic Research Institutes WIFO, wiiw, IfW and ifo Provide Online Dashboard for BMWK
Direct and Indirect Value Added Effects of Around 29.5 billion € and a GDP contribution of 6.2 percent
An Analysis of ERDF and ESF Support for S3 Skills in the 2014 to 2020 Programming Period
Strong Demand in the Past Winter Season, but Hardly any Momentum in Real Sales
Macroeconomics and Public Finance
Labour Economics, Income and Social Security
Industrial, Innovation and International Economics
Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics