Dr. Alexander Daminger

Alexander Daminger is an economist and has been part of the "Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis" research group at WIFO since 2022. In his professional career, Daminger formerly worked as a consultant in the field of international transfer pricing at Deloitte and taught as a research assistant at the Chair of Retail Real Estate at the University of Regensburg. In 2021, he completed his PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) at the University of Regensburg, in which he dealt with the spatial effects of German homeownership subsidies. He was awarded several prizes for his dissertation, such as the research prize of the German Real Estate Academy (DIA), the "Statistical Science for the Society" prize for young scientists from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), and the science award of Germany's private building societies. His work was also recognized by his nomination for the prestigious "Ludwig Erhard Prize". During his doctoral studies, he received a scholarship from the Hanns Seidel Foundation. In addition to his research, his teaching activities also earned special recognition when he was awarded the Teaching Award of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Regensburg for his commitment to teaching and student supervision. Daminger's research interests focus on the intersection of urban and regional economics, public finance, and real estate economics.

Ongoing project since: 18.03.2024
Contractor project: The Vienna City Administration, Economic Chamber: Vienna
Ongoing project since: 12.02.2024
Contractor project: The Vienna City Administration
Closed: 31.03.2024
Contractor project: The Vienna City Administration, Economic Chamber: Vienna