
WIFO's "thematic platforms" bundle the research of the scientific staff from different perspectives on common economically and socially relevant issues. In their function as information hubs, they offer direct access to the relevant WIFO publications and contact to the respective experts.

WIFO has a wide range of expertise in quantifying the impact of ageing on individuals and firms, on economic growth, on the welfare position of households and on the sustainability of social security systems.

The thematic focus "Ageing" bundles WIFO's micro- and macroeconomic and institutional expertise as well as its model and data infrastructure for the analysis of ageing.

At the individual level, questions of employment opportunities, qualifications and the health aspects of employment and long-term care are analysed. At the company level, the focus is on questions of employability and the productive use of an (ageing) labour force, labour costs and the qualification structure of workforces. An ageing society is inevitably confronted with changes in the provision of public services and in the structure of expenditure, which also raise new distributional issues. From an institutional point of view, the focus is therefore on changes in the framework conditions of the tax and contribution system as well as the financing of welfare state services such as pensions and long-term care, while at the macroeconomic level, the effects of ageing on consumption, public budgets and GDP are examined in particular.

Key publications on "Ageing"
Finalization: January 2025
Contractor project: Fachverband der Pensions- und Vorsorgekassen der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Finalization: August 2024
Contractor project: Aktion Generationengerechtigkeit
A Data-driven Approach to Visualising and Analysing the Care Landscape in Austria
Finalization: October 2024
Contractor project: Caritas Österreich
Project duration: 31.10.2024 to 30.11.2024
Contractor project: Fachverband der Pensions- und Vorsorgekassen der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Project duration: 12.08.2024 to 10.10.2024
Contractor project: The European Federation of Inventors and Financial Services Users (Better Finance)
Project duration: 10.08.2023 to 30.09.2023
Contractor project: Better Finance – The European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users
Project duration: 22.12.2022 to 30.04.2023
Contractor project: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
JEL-Codes: J14, I18, H53
A Forecast until 2040 as a Basis for Economic Policy Measures
Only One Fifth of those Receiving Long-term Care Allowance Live in Nursing Homes – Population Believes it is 50 Percent
Digital Transformation
European Integration and Global Governance
Green Transformation and Energy Systems
Business Cycles and Forecasting
Supply Chains