Mag. Sandra Bilek-Steindl
Sandra Bilek-Steindl is Senior Economist at WIFO and has been working in the Research Group "Macroeconomics and Public Finance" since 2005. Her research focus includes national accounts and business cycle analysis. She is responsible for the calculation of the Flash Estimates of GDP in Austria. She has experience in economic modelling, in particular with short-term forecasting and nowcasting. Her research and projects include the analysis of cyclical fluctuations and determinants of economic growth. She also deals with indicators and concepts of alternative measures of growth (Beyond GDP), which include aspects of ecological sustainability and quality of life. She was a guest researcher at the European Commission (DG ECFIN) and the University of Innsbruck. After her graduation at the University of Vienna (Magister) she completed the Postgraduate programme at the Institute of Advanced Studies.