Dr. Werner Hölzl
Werner Hölzl is Senior Economist at WIFO and has been working in the Research Group "Industrial, Innovation and International Economics" since 2005. He holds a degree in Economics and Computer Science from the TU Wien and a doctorate in Economics from the University of Vienna. Before joining WIFO in 2005 he was a lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). His main research interests are in the field of industrial dynamics, entrepreneurship and business tendency surveys. He has served as a contributor to a number of international and national projects with focus on high-growth firms, innovation, corporate finance, industrial policy and structural change. Since 2012 he is scientific coordinator of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle surveys). Werner Hölzl has published in international journals such as Small Business Economics, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change and Applied Economics.