Socially Responsible Policy Paths for Emission Reduction
The 23rd Climate Day took place in Leoben from 11 to 13 April 2023 under the motto "Resources in Transition". As one of 11 projects, TransFair-AT was presented in the session of the Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP). An overview of the project, the project progress and first results were presented, followed with a discussion with the Steering Committee and other participants.
In the project "TransFair-AT", the partners WIFO, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Transport Studies (BOKU-IVe), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Centre for Global Change and Sustainability (BOKU-gWN), Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Power Systems and Energy Economics – Energy Economics Group (EEG)and e-think energy research (e-think) analyse socially acceptable pathways for emission reductions in the sectors residential buildings and passenger transport. By linking the macroeconomic model DYNK with a vehicle choice model, the transport demand model MARS and the building stock model "Invert-EE/Lab", in TransFair-AT policy scenarios achieving a full decarbonisation of housing and mobility in Austria by 2040 are analysed. In addition, targeted compensation mechanisms are developed to mitigate the burden of these climate policies for particularly vulnerable groups, while ensuring that these compensation mechanisms are consistent with full decarbonisation.
TransFair-AT is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out within the ACRP programme. More information on the project as well as the presentation and the poster for the Austrian Climate Day can be found on the project website.