MMMag. Dr. Michael Böheim
Michael Böheim is Senior Economist and has been working at WIFO since 1997 with special research focus on industrial, competition and regulatory economics and policy. He belongs to the Research Group "Industrial, Innovation and International Economics". Since 2002 he acts as a certified expert witness to the Austrian Cartel Court and has been member of the Austrian Competition Commission from 2002 to 2018. He has more than 20 years of project relevant experience as a consultant and university lecturer as well as author of numerous publications on industrial, competition and regulatory economics and policy. His expertise as project manager includes serving the European Commission in various projects within the European Competitiveness Report. Michael Böheim has studied economics, law and philosophy at University of Graz with research study visits in the UK and the USA. He holds Master's degrees in Economic Sciences, Law and Philosophy as well as a doctoral Degree in Economic Sciences.