GreenFin (ACRP11) – Scaling Up Green Finance to Achieve the Climate and Energy Targets. An Assessment of Macro-financial Opportunities and Challenges for Austria
GreenFin contributed to analysing the role finance (markets, green policies and governance structures) could play to scale-up green investments in Austria. To this aim, GreenFin developed fit for purpose macro-financial models to assess under which conditions green policies, such as carbon pricing, green macroprudential regulations, and instruments like green bonds, can support the low-carbon transition in Austria while avoiding unintended effects on financial stability and inequality. Since GreenFin was implemented during the COVID-19 crisis, the scope of the project has been extended to consider the compounding of the impact of the pandemic with climate physical risks in the economy and finance. GreenFin's models have been applied in collaboration with international financial actors, such as the World Bank and the European Central Bank, to inform the finance policy debate.