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WIFO publications (6 hits)

Heinz Hollenstein
Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung – Determinanten, Auswirkungen, Politik (Internationalisation of Research and Development: Determinants, Effects and Policy)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2013, 86(12), pp.985-992
Die Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung hat seit den 1990er-Jahren stark zugenommen. Davon profitieren sowohl die Herkunfts- als auch die Empfängerländer. Anhand der empirischen Forschungsergebnisse zu Determinanten und Auswirkungen von F&E-Investitionen inländischer Unternehmen im Ausland und ausländischer Unternehmen im Inland lassen sich Elemente einer Politik ableiten, die eine optimale Nutzung der Chancen der Internationalisierung verspricht.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the differences between specific motives of R&D investment in foreign locations with respect to the factors influencing the likelihood of foreign R&D and to the impact of foreign presence on the parent firms' innovativeness and productivity. An econometric analysis of Swiss firm panel data shows, firstly, that factors related to firm-specific knowledge-oriented advantages are more important for explaining the likelihood of foreign R&D activities than factors reflecting disadvantages related to home location. Secondly, knowledge-oriented motives of foreign R&D are positively correlated to innovation performance of domestic firms, whereas market-oriented and resource-oriented strategies correlate positively with productivity.
WIFO Working Papers, 2008, (315), 26 pages
The aim of the paper is, firstly, to identify a number of strategies Swiss firms pursue by performing foreign R&D, expecting that firms, in many instances, are driven by a combination of several motives ("mixed strategies"). Secondly, we ask whether foreign and domestic R&D are substitutes or complements. Thirdly, we draw some policy conclusions based on results for direct and indirect home-country effects of foreign R&D. By applying cluster analysis, we identified four specific patterns of motives of foreign R&D. In a second step, we investigated whether these clusters effectively may be interpreted as specific types of R&D strategies. To this end, the clusters were characterised in terms of a large number of variables, which, according to the OLI paradigm of FDI, determine foreign R&D. We found that the patterns of the four clusters systematically differ with respect to these theory-related variables. Some clusters represent, in terms of motives, broad-based mixed strategies, whereas others are strongly focused. It turns out that foreign R&D strategies that primarily aim at exploiting capabilities of the domestic headquarters dominate, whereas cost-reducing strategies are of very minor importance. In case of the other two strategies knowledge sourcing is a constituent element, in the first one, knowledge sourcing is at the core, in the second case it is an important element in the frame of a broad-based strategy. The relative importance of the four strategies implies that, on balance, foreign and domestic R&D are complements. Notwithstanding this positive result, it is sensible to take policy actions supporting the economy to capitalise even more on outward FDI in R&D. Policy basically should aim at securing the attractiveness of Switzerland as a location for R&D-intensive headquarters of firms performing foreign R&D, and at enhancing knowledge spill-overs from headquarter companies to other domestic firms. The five categories of measures we recommend are part of a framework-oriented policy design rather than of a more interventionist concept.
WIFO Working Papers, 2002, (183), 26 pages
Online since: 04.09.2002 0:00
WIFO Working Papers, 2001, (156)

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