Österreichs Wirtschaft stagniert noch (Austria's Economy Still Stagnating)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2013, 86(6), S.451-458
Online seit: 25.06.2013 0:00
Österreichs Wirtschaft stagnierte im I. Quartal 2013 zum vierten Mal in Folge. Sowohl die Export- als auch die Binnennachfrage entwickelten sich schwach. Die Inflation verlangsamte sich zuletzt, die saisonbereinigte Arbeitslosenquote war mit 7,5% unverändert hoch. Weltweit bleibt die Konjunktur fragmentiert: Japan setzt massive geld- und fiskalpolitische Maßnahmen, um die Nachfrage zu beleben und die Deflation zu überwinden. In den USA stützt der private Konsum die Konjunkturerholung. Viele Volkswirtschaften in Europa verharren aber weiterhin in der Rezession.
Keywords:Konjunkturbericht Österreich
Forschungsbereich:Makroökonomie und öffentliche Finanzen

Austria's Economy Still Stagnating
Austria's economy stagnated yet again in the first quarter of 2013, with neither external nor domestic demand providing stimulus. Inflation receded recently, while the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained consistently high at 7.5 percent. Global economic developments are highly uneven: Japan is implementing massive monetary and fiscal policy measures to stimulate the economy and overcome deflation. The yen depreciated sharply, and net exports increased. The recovery in the USA continues, although the drop in the unemployment rate has been accompanied by a decline in the labour force participation rate. The ongoing recession in many European countries, among them many key Austrian markets, provides negative stimulus, however.

Verwandte Einträge

Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2013, 18(2), S.115-122
Online seit: 29.07.2013 0:00
Austria's economy stagnated yet again in the first quarter of 2013 (for the fourth consecutive time), registering weak external and domestic demand. Inflation receded recently, while the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained consistently high at 7.5 percent. Global economic activity is fragmented: Japan is implementing massive monetary and fiscal policy measures to stimulate the economy and overcome deflation. In the USA, the recovery is supported by private consumption. Many countries in Europe remain mired in recession, however.
Presseaussendungen, 10.06.2013 9:00