Das Bauforschungsnetzwerk EUROCONSTRUCT®

EUROCONSTRUCT® ist ein unabhängiges Baumarktforschungsnetzwerk mit Partnerinstituten in 19 europäischen Ländern. Das WIFO ist als österreichischer Partner im Netzwerk die Anlaufstelle in Österreich.

Im Fokus der Netzwerkaktivitäten stehen die halbjährlichen Konferenzen. Den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltungen bilden die Prognosen zur Entwicklung der Gesamtwirtschaft und des Bausektors in jenen Ländern, in denen das Netzwerk vertreten ist. Die Prognosen werden zweimal jährlich überarbeitet und im Rahmen einer Sommer-Konferenz (Juni) und einer Winter-Konferenz (November oder Dezember) in wechselnden europäischen Städten dem Fachpublikum vorgestellt.


85th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook Until 2020 – Continued Expansion of Austria's Construction Markets. Country Report Austria
Studien, Juni 2018, 39 Seiten, https://www.euroconstruct.org
Studie von: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Online seit: 22.06.2018 0:00
Austria is on a track of economic expansion with solid growth in 2017 (GDP +2.9 percent). Strong foreign trade and high business confidence were driving industrial investments. Labour markets are improving – having a positive impact on private consumption which additionally supports the economic development. Therefore, the outlook for 2018 is more optimistic than previously anticipated. The construction business benefits from this economic framework. All construction segments are currently exhibiting growth, with the strongest increases in non-residential construction and civil engineering. The residential construction market in Austria is in the midst of an expansion phase where dynamics are expected to slow down towards 2020.
Forschungsbereich:Regionalökonomie und räumliche Analyse

Verwandte Einträge

The latest construction market forecasts presented at the 85th Euroconstruct conference, hosted by Forecon in Finland on 7-8 June 2018 confirmed the current peak in construction growth in 2017. Over the period 2018 to 2020 the European construction market will continue to grow, albeit at decreasing rates. The Eastern European countries exhibit the most promising growth path, especially Poland and Hungary. Regarding Western Europe, the outlook is brightest for Spain and France. Despite the generally positive development, a number of countries will face a decline in total output in 2019 and 2020. Among the Nordic countries, construction output is expected to shrink in Sweden and Finland. Also in Germany, after years of continued construction growth, a lower output is likely in the coming years. The Euroconstruct Country Report provides more detailed information on the construction market trends and its fundamentals in each of the 19 Euroconstruct member countries until 2020. The forecasts and analyses are presented on the country level and are based on a comparable harmonised dataset for the major construction sectors and indicators. The macroeconomic framework conditions are included additionally. – With contributions by Julia Bachtrögler, Anders Bjerre, Paul Donadieu, Ludwig Dorffmeister, Antonio Coimbra, Josep Ramon Fontana, Anne Kathrin Funk, Anna Gáspár, Neil Gibson, Paul Groot, James Hastings, Bengt Henricson, Annette Hughes, Matijas Kocijan, Nathalie Kouassi, Michael Klien, Vladimir Lenko, Jean-Pierre Liebaert, Nejra Macic, Dana Maléřová, Renaud Muller, Jan Müller, Valentin Niçaise, Markku Riihimäki, Radislav Semenov, Mariusz Sochacki, Antonella Stemperini, Michael Weingärtler, Youssef Yacoubi.
The construction forecasts presented at the 85th Euroconstruct conference confirmed the strong growth in 2017. Total construction output in 2017 was slightly revised upwards to +3.9 percent in 2017 at constant prices compared to the previous year. High business confidence and a sound foreign trade (exports +4.8 percent) were driving industrial and construction investments. Construction growth in European residential construction was comparatively high in 2017 (+4.7 percent) but it has already lost momentum compared to 2016. Especially in the housing segment and in non-residential construction, a continued slowdown is expected towards 2020. On the other hand, a backlog in public infrastructure investments, particularly in the transport segment, will generate significant growth in several European countries in the upcoming years. The Euroconstruct Summary Report provides a macroeconomic analysis and an overview of the European construction industry by sectors (housing, non-residential construction and civil engineering; new and renovation, respectively) up to 2020. – With contributions by Anders Bjerre, Markku Riihimäki, Antonella Stemperini, Mariusz Sochacki
Workshops, Konferenzen und andere Veranstaltungen, 07.06.2018–08.06.2018, https://www.euroconstruct.org
Veranstalter: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Auftraggeber: Euroconstruct
Online seit: 12.04.2018 0:00
The Finnish Euroconstruct partner, Forecon, is hosting the 85th Euroconstruct conference in June 2018. The conference deals with European construction markets and gives updated forecasts to 2020. A further focus of the conference will be on the development of the built environment. The event starts with a visit to the Helsinki Central Library Oodi where construction will be near completion at the time. The visit will culminate in a gala dinner for networking. The venue of the conference is the Finlandia Hall in the centre of Helsinki.
Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte
Auftraggeber: Euroconstruct
Studie von: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Abgeschlossen: 2021
WIFO hosts the online platform of Euroconstruct, Europe's leading construction market research network. The platform provides detailed information about members and activities of the Euroconstruct network. This information is updated regularly, especially with respect to the bi-annual construction forecast conferences which are organised by the 19 Euroconstruct member institutes. Clients also have the possibility to receive regular updates by registering a newsletter. Furthermore an internal area is established for the co-ordination within the network members.
Ihre Ansprechpartner

Dr. Michael Klien

Funktion: Ökonom (Senior Economist)
Forschungsgruppe: Regionalökonomie und räumliche Analyse

Michael Weingärtler

Funktion: Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Forschungsgruppe: Regionalökonomie und räumliche Analyse