Competitiveness of the European Cement and Lime Sectors

  • Jan-Maarten de Vet
  • Andreas Pauer
  • Erik Merkus
  • Paul Baker
  • Ana Rosa Gonzalez-Martinez
  • Tamas Kiss-Galfalvi (ECORYS)
  • Gerhard Streicher (WIFO)
  • Ana Rincon-Aznar (NIESR, London)

The mature cement and lime industry sectors are vital for a range of downstream industries, products and services. Over the past 10 years, both sectors have witnessed major downturns, and future prospects are uncertain. These sectors and, in turn, policy-makers, need a better understanding of how resilient the sectors are when responding to external shocks – notably to changes in demand, but also to regulatory reforms and new initiatives (at EU, national, regional and local levels).