Empirica – Journal of European Economics

Sponsored by the Austrian Economic Association and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research

Empirica publishes empirical and theoretical work on all economic aspects of European Integration. The topics may range from all challenges concerning the deepening of the European Union (Single Market, Lisbon Agenda, EMU) to enlargement and the external relations of the EU (globalisation).

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Hansjörg Klausinger, Michael Kuhn, Alexia Prskawetz, Bernhard Rengs
100th anniversary of the Austrian Economic Association and the Future of Health Care Systems. Editorial
Empirica, 2019, 46(3), S.409-411, http://www.springer.com/10663
Forschungsbereich:Arbeitsmarktökonomie, Einkommen und soziale Sicherheit

Managing Editor

Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Harald Oberhofer

Funktion: Ökonom (Senior Economist), Editor-in-Chief Empirica
Forschungsgruppe: Industrie-, Innovations- und internationale Ökonomie