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Kevin Moore, Chantal Hicks, Jennifer Jones, Martin Spielauer
The DYSEM Microsimulation Modelling Platform
Analytical Studies: Methods and References, 2017, 8, 24 Seiten, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/11-633-x/11-633-x2017008-eng.pdf?st=FUbMXUwv
The DYSEM microsimulation modelling platform provides a demographic and socioeconomic core that can be readily built upon to develop custom dynamic microsimulation models or applications. This paper describes DYSEM and provides an overview of its intended uses, as well as the methods and data used in its development.
Keywords:microsimulation, dynamic, socioeconomic, distributional, projections
Forschungsbereich:Arbeitsmarktökonomie, Einkommen und soziale Sicherheit