
Intentions and Childbearing in Contexts. A Life Course Perspective

Hauptveranstaltung: Vortragsreihe "WIFO-Extern":
Personen: Maria Rita Testa
Sprache: Deutsch
Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
The adult life of women and men is characterised by a plurality of choices and events pertaining to different life domains, but in the literature pregnancy intentions are normally studied in isolation from intentions pertaining to other spheres of life. We study the correspondence of pregnancy intentions and reproductive outcome in a life course framework, encompassing several life domains such as partnership, education, work and residence. Using longitudinal data from the Generations and Gender Surveys in five European countries (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, and Lithuania), we examine individuals' pregnancy intentions and subsequent outcomes with a focus on the mediating and moderating role of alternative life course intentions and realisations. We find that adults' life plans are multidimensional and that the more simultaneous intentions individuals have, the less likely they are to achieve their childbearing goals in a short time period. Some intentions, like moving to a new dwelling, facilitate the realisation of birth intentions; others, like changing a job, tend to hinder the realisation of birth intentions. Finally, individuals are more successful in having their intended child in countries that promote a reconciliation of work and family life.