WIFO Publishes Annual Report 2021
WIFO's analyses have contributed to the economic containment and management of the COVID-19 crisis and have therefore created added value for Austria. "The quality of our research activities also extends beyond national borders. To underline this increasing europeanisation and internationalisation, the Annual Report 2021 is published for the first time as a bilingual publication in German and English", says WIFO Director Gabriel Felbermayr.
"In 2021, the Austrian economy grew over 4 percent after the slump in the COVID-19 pandemic. WIFO has made its scientific contribution to understanding and shaping this recovery. In 2022, our team will also analyse the economic upheavals caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict and develop proposals for necessary economic policy measures", said WIFO Deputy Director and External Coordinator Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger.