Markus Kiesenhofer, BA, MA
Since 2019, Markus Kiesenhofer has been in charge of public relations at WIFO. Previously, he was head of communications at the Austrian Newspaper Association (VÖZ) and the Austrian Magazine and Specialist Media Association (ÖZV) and represented the interests of the cultural region of Lower Austria. He was a board member for the Austrian Media Academy (Kuratorium für Journalistenausbildung) and the Committee for Press Licences (Kuratorium für Presseausweise) and a substitute member of the Austrian Communications Authority's (KommAustria) Publishing Funding Council (Publizistikförderungsbeirat). He also demonstrated his expertise in the Austrian media landscape in 2017 and 2018 as co-author of the annual standard work "Media Handbook Austria" ("Medienhandbuch Österreich") published by Czernin Verlag. Kiesenhofer studied journalism and media management at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences and political science at the University of Vienna and Charles University in Prague. In 2023, the media outlet "Austria's Journalist" ("Österreichs Journalist:in") named Kiesenhofer Science Spokesperson of the Year.