
WIFO News Concerning the Corona Crisis

A Continuously Updated List of Articles
WIFO's economists are also pursuing the goal of contributing to tackle socio-economic challenges in the corona crisis and creating sound foundations for decisions in business and society.

Worldwide Economic Downturn as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
WIFO Business Cycle Report May 2020

Effects of the COVID-19-Related Economic Slump on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Austria
WIFO Working Paper: Results of an Initial Assessment

Macroeconomic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Austria
WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports): Thomas Url about the Opportunities for Stabilisation Policy

COVID-19 Crisis: International Economic Policy Responses
New Article by Atanas Pekanov in WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports)

WIFO Participates in COVID-19 Future Operations Clearing Board
Information Exchange for Evidence-based Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Medium-term Forecast 2020 to 2024 in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports): After the Preliminary Report on Economic Outlook for Austria, the Full Version Has Now Been Published

COVID-19 Pandemic Already Caused GDP to Fall Sharply in the First Quarter of 2020
Latest WIFO Flash Estimate

Drastic Deterioration in Economic Forecasts
WIFO-Konjunkturtest of April 2020

How Much Home Office Potential is there in the Austrian Labour Market?
WIFO Research Brief by Julia Bock-Schappelwein

WIFO Expects GDP to Fall by 5¼ Percent in 2020 – in a More Pessimistic Scenario by 7½ Percent
WIFO Research Brief from Angela Köppl, Stefan Schleicher, Margit Schratzenstaller and Karl Steininger

COVID-19: Economic Effects on Women
Recent WIFO Research Brief by Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger and Christine Mayrhuber

COVID-19 Pandemic: Highest Employment Losses in Austria for Almost 70 years
WIFO Research Brief by Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Ulrike Huemer and Walter Hyll

COVID-19, Climate Change and Stimulus Packages
WIFO Research Brief from Angela Köppl, Stefan Schleicher, Margit Schratzenstaller and Karl Steininger

Corona Crisis: Regional Differences in the Economic Vulnerability
New WIFO Scale Enables Comparison Between Austrian Länder

Corona Shutdown: Scenario Estimates Suggest Massive Effects on Austrian Tourism
First Estimate of Overnight Stay Losses in 2020 by WIFO Economist Oliver Fritz

Coronavirus Pandemic: Potentially Strong Negative Effect on Innovation Activities
WIFO Assessment by Jürgen Janger and Andreas Reinstaller

Shortages of Medical Protective Equipment
COVID-19 Pandemic: WIFO Economist Yvonne Wolfmayr on the Question of Whether Export Restrictions are an Appropriate Policy Response

Corona Crisis: Impact on Vienna's Economy
A Brief Analysis of WIFO's Research Group Structural Change and Regional Development

Corona Shock on the Labour Market
Almost 200,000 Unemployed More – an Analysis by WIFO Economists Rainer Eppel and Helmut Mahringer

Private Consumption in Times of the Corona Crisis and Afterwards
A Scenario Estimate by WIFO Economist Jürgen Bierbaumer-Polly

The Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts the Austrian Economy
WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey) of March 2020

Economic Policy: International Responses to the Corona Crisis
WIFO Economist Atanas Pekanov Provides an Overview on the Different Measures Already Enacted

Effects of the Corona Crisis on Public Budgets
A First Analysis of the WIFO Budget Group

Coronavirus Pandemic: Sharp, But in the Best Case Short Cyclical Slump
WIFO Macroeconomic Scenario March 2020

Agricultural Goods: Export Restrictions Could Cause Enormous Damage
An Initial Assessment of the Covid-19 Crisis by WIFO Economist Franz Sinabell

Long-term Care for the Elderly in the Corona Crisis
A First Analysis by WIFO Deputy Director Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger

ECB has Taken Exceptional Measures Against the Corona Crisis
First WIFO Analysis of the New Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

Austrian Tourism in the Corona Crisis
A First Analysis by WIFO Economist Oliver Fritz

Corona Crisis: Short-time Work is a Suitable Means
First Labour Market Policy Assessment by WIFO Economist Helmut Mahringer

Coronavirus: Emergency Aid Must be Distributed Quickly
WIFO Economist Margit Schratzenstaller on the Budgetary Aspects of the Crisis