WIFO News Concerning the Corona Crisis
Worldwide Economic Downturn as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
WIFO Business Cycle Report May 2020
Effects of the COVID-19-Related Economic Slump on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Austria
WIFO Working Paper: Results of an Initial Assessment
Macroeconomic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Austria
WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports): Thomas Url about the Opportunities for Stabilisation Policy
COVID-19 Crisis: International Economic Policy Responses
New Article by Atanas Pekanov in WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports)
WIFO Participates in COVID-19 Future Operations Clearing Board
Information Exchange for Evidence-based Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Medium-term Forecast 2020 to 2024 in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports): After the Preliminary Report on Economic Outlook for Austria, the Full Version Has Now Been Published
COVID-19 Pandemic Already Caused GDP to Fall Sharply in the First Quarter of 2020
Latest WIFO Flash Estimate
Drastic Deterioration in Economic Forecasts
WIFO-Konjunkturtest of April 2020
How Much Home Office Potential is there in the Austrian Labour Market?
WIFO Research Brief by Julia Bock-Schappelwein
WIFO Expects GDP to Fall by 5¼ Percent in 2020 in a More Pessimistic Scenario by 7½ Percent
WIFO Research Brief from Angela Köppl, Stefan Schleicher, Margit Schratzenstaller and Karl Steininger
COVID-19: Economic Effects on Women
Recent WIFO Research Brief by Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger and Christine Mayrhuber
COVID-19 Pandemic: Highest Employment Losses in Austria for Almost 70 years
WIFO Research Brief by Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Ulrike Huemer and Walter Hyll
COVID-19, Climate Change and Stimulus Packages
WIFO Research Brief from Angela Köppl, Stefan Schleicher, Margit Schratzenstaller and Karl Steininger
Corona Crisis: Regional Differences in the Economic Vulnerability
New WIFO Scale Enables Comparison Between Austrian Länder
Corona Shutdown: Scenario Estimates Suggest Massive Effects on Austrian Tourism
First Estimate of Overnight Stay Losses in 2020 by WIFO Economist Oliver Fritz
Coronavirus Pandemic: Potentially Strong Negative Effect on Innovation Activities
WIFO Assessment by Jürgen Janger and Andreas Reinstaller
Shortages of Medical Protective Equipment
COVID-19 Pandemic: WIFO Economist Yvonne Wolfmayr on the Question of Whether Export Restrictions are an Appropriate Policy Response
Corona Crisis: Impact on Vienna's Economy
A Brief Analysis of WIFO's Research Group Structural Change and Regional Development
Corona Shock on the Labour Market
Almost 200,000 Unemployed More an Analysis by WIFO Economists Rainer Eppel and Helmut Mahringer
Private Consumption in Times of the Corona Crisis and Afterwards
A Scenario Estimate by WIFO Economist Jürgen Bierbaumer-Polly
The Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts the Austrian Economy
WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey) of March 2020
Economic Policy: International Responses to the Corona Crisis
WIFO Economist Atanas Pekanov Provides an Overview on the Different Measures Already Enacted
Effects of the Corona Crisis on Public Budgets
A First Analysis of the WIFO Budget Group
Coronavirus Pandemic: Sharp, But in the Best Case Short Cyclical Slump
WIFO Macroeconomic Scenario March 2020
Agricultural Goods: Export Restrictions Could Cause Enormous Damage
An Initial Assessment of the Covid-19 Crisis by WIFO Economist Franz Sinabell
Long-term Care for the Elderly in the Corona Crisis
A First Analysis by WIFO Deputy Director Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger
ECB has Taken Exceptional Measures Against the Corona Crisis
First WIFO Analysis of the New Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme
Austrian Tourism in the Corona Crisis
A First Analysis by WIFO Economist Oliver Fritz
Corona Crisis: Short-time Work is a Suitable Means
First Labour Market Policy Assessment by WIFO Economist Helmut Mahringer
Coronavirus: Emergency Aid Must be Distributed Quickly
WIFO Economist Margit Schratzenstaller on the Budgetary Aspects of the Crisis