"Research for All of Us"
Guided by WIFO employees Marian Fink, Markus Kiesenhofer, Christine Mayrhuber, Franz Sinabell, Lukas Schmoigl and Margit Schratzenstaller, interested visitors were able to use interactive tools to determine their individual position in the distribution of income as well as that of their municipality of residence compared to all other Austrian municipalities.
The "European Researchers' Night" took place simultaneously in 27 countries. In 2019, the 200 researchers took part in the demonstrations and lectures in Austria. The main aim of the event is to give every citizen the opportunity to actively participate in science. Children and young people in particular are to be encouraged to experience and understand science within the framework of the event. The various stations and workshops offered an excellent opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of research departments and to make contact with scientists. The series of events under the motto "Research for all of us" has been running since 2005.
In addition to WIFO, the University of Vienna, the TU Vienna, the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the Pedagogical University, the Universities of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna, Campus Vienna and St. Pölten, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Science and Technology IST, the Austrian Institute of Technology AIT, the TGM, the Museum of Art History and Natural History Vienna, the BMBWF, BMVIT and BMNT, institutions such as the AUVA and the Vienna Adult Education Centres and also companies such as Infineon were present.
© WIFO: With the help of interactive tools, Franz Sinabell demonstrated interested visitors their individual position in income distribution.