Aviso: Presentation of the 2024 Headquarters Study
On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WIFO examined the regional economic effects that the more than 50 international organisations and institutions have on Austria. The current study, updated for the first time since 2020, shows that the economic effects on value creation and jobs are considerable. Strengthening Austria, and Vienna in particular, as an official headquarter is therefore a long-standing focus of Austrian foreign policy, which has been intensified in recent years.
Interested media representatives are cordially invited to attend. The event will be held in German.
Date and time: 29 July 2024, 10:30 a.m.
Venue: Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Vienna
Please arrive from 10:00 a.m. and by 10:20 a.m. at the latest.
We kindly ask you to register at pk-anmeldungen@bmeia.gv.at.
Participating media representatives are requested to bring a valid press card with them.