START2030: Workshop on Model Linking
The aim of the workshop is to exchange experiences and to discuss the planned extensions of the two models used in "START2030", DYNK and ATLANTIS.
The ACRP project "START2030" by the project partners WIFO, Graz University of Technology and CESAR aims at analysing the economic impacts and the social consequences of a transformation to a 100 percent renewable electricity system in Austria by 2030. For this analysis, WIFO's macroeconomic model DYNK is linked with ATLANTIS, a partial model of the electricity market of the Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation at TU Graz.
Different policy scenarios in which the target of 100 percent renewables in the Austrian electricity system is achieved are analysed to map the broad spectrum of potential impacts associated with the transformation. These scenarios for Austria will be integrated into a consistent scenario of the development of the European electricity system and specified in close cooperation with the relevant stakeholders. The model analysis will provide insights into the emission effects as well as macroeconomic implications and distribution effects of the transformation.
During the online workshop, the necessary extensions of the two models (technology representation, regional distribution of future potentials) and the approach for linking the models will be discussed with other researchers.
If you are interested in the workshop, please contact eva.wretschitsch@wifo.at.
START2030 is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out within the ACRP programme. For more information on the project, please click here.