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Long-term Care in the "Gallup WIFO Opinion Check"
Invitation to Media Chat on 21 June 2022 (in German)
According to the Gallup Institute's latest mood indicator, 64 percent of Austrians believe that politics urgently needs to give priority to long-term care and health. But do the public's assessments of long-term care provision in Austria correspond to the facts? WIFO deputy director Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger and Gallup-COO Andrea Fronaschütz will present the results of the current "Gallup WIFO Opinion Check" in a digital media chat on 21 June 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (in German).
With the "Gallup WIFO Opinion Check", the Austrian Gallup Institute and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) are launching an initiative to bring facts to the often emotionally and ideologically heated discourse in our society. In the joint series of studies, the opinions of the population on economic issues are collected and compared with evidence-based information.
Date: 21 June 2022, 10:00 a.m.
Registrations for the digital media chat at veranstaltungen@wifo.ac.at
Your conversation partners:
Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger (Deputy Director of WIFO)
Andrea Fronaschütz (COO Austrian Gallup Institute)