
Fit for 55?

The EU's New Climate and Energy Package
A recent article of the WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports) by Claudia Kettner-Marx and Gerald Feichtinger analyses the European Commission's new climate and energy package "Fit for 55".

It includes 13 proposals for the revision of existing and the introduction of new climate and energy policies. This article summarises key changes to the objectives for the effort sharing sectors, energy efficiency and renewable energies, as well as changes regarding the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions.

The tight time horizon until 2030 will be challenging both for the finalisation of the package and for the achievement of the goals. The proposed measures require extensive investments as well as a high level of cooperation and coordination among EU member countries. Various compensation measures are planned to mitigate detrimental effects on vulnerable groups. Whether these are sufficient will depend on the specific measures and their design.

Finalization: September 2021
Specialist publication: WIFO-Monatsberichte
JEL-Codes: Q48, Q58