
Martin Falk, Andrea Kunnert, Gerhard Schwarz
Sachgütererzeugung weitet 2012 Investitionen aus – Abwärtsrevision in der Bauwirtschaft. Ergebnisse des WIFO-Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 2012 (Manufacturers Increase their Investment in 2012 – Downward Revision in the Construction Industry. Results of the WIFO Spring 2012 Investment Sur-vey)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2012, 85(7), pp.559-570
Die vom WIFO-Investitionstest erfassten Unternehmen der Sachgütererzeugung planen für 2012 eine Ausweitung der Investitionen um nominell 9%. Die befragten Bauunternehmen werden ihre Investitionen hingegen um nominell 10% kürzen. Für Österreichs Gesamtwirtschaft rechnet das WIFO 2012 mit einem Anstieg der Bruttoanlageinvestitionen um real 1,1%. Die Chancen, dass die Vorhaben 2012 vollständig realisiert werden, haben sich allerdings in den letzten zwei Monaten mit der internationalen Konjunktureintrübung verschlechtert.
Keywords:Investitionen Sachgütererzeugung Industrie Bauwirtschaft
Research group:Industrial, Innovation and International Economics – Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

Manufacturers Increase their Investment in 2012 – Downward Revision in the Construction Industry. Results of the WIFO Spring 2012 Investment Sur-vey
According to the results of the WIFO Spring 2012 Investment Survey, investment in manufacturing expressed in current prices is expected to increase by 9 percent in 2012. The increase will be greater for investment in equipment (+14 percent) than for investment in structures (+3 percent). A detailed look at broad manufacturing industry groups shows that the increase will be most pronounced in investment and intermediate goods, with an increase of 12 percent and 14 percent, respectively. In contrast, the consumer goods industry does not expect any growth of its investment rate. In 2012, manufacturing firms will also raise their investment in intangible assets (+8 percent). In 2011, construction firms invested 11 percent more than in the previous year. Nevertheless, investment levels remained moderate compared to pre-crisis levels. In 2012, construction firms intend to lower their total investments by 10 percent in response to the weak macroeconomic environment. Investment in machinery and equipment as well as in buildings will be affected.