
Martin Falk, Andrea Kunnert, Gerhard Schwarz
Sachgütererzeuger planen 2011 deutliche Investitionssteigerung. Ergebnisse des WIFO-Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 2011 (Planned Manufacturing Investment Expected to Increase by 17 Percent in 2011. Results of the WIFO Spring 2011 Investment Survey)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2011, 84(7), pp.483-493
Die im WIFO-Investitionstest erfassten Unternehmen der Sachgütererzeugung planen für 2011 eine Ausweitung der Investitionen um nominell 17%. Hingegen werden die befragten Bauunternehmen ihre Investitionen nominell um 2% kürzen. Für Österreichs Gesamtwirtschaft rechnet das WIFO 2011 mit einem Anstieg der Bruttoanlageinvestitionen um real 3,8%.
Keywords:Investitionen Sachgütererzeugung Industrie Bauwirtschaft
Research group:Industrial, Innovation and International Economics – Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

Planned Manufacturing Investment Expected to Increase by 17 Percent in 2011. Results of the WIFO Spring 2011 Investment Survey
According to the results of the WIFO Spring 2011 Investment Survey, investment in manufacturing expressed in current prices is expected to increase by 17 percent in 2011. The increase will be relatively greater for investment in structures (+33 percent) than for investment in equipment (+15 percent). A detailed look at broad manufacturing industry groups shows that the increase will be most pronounced in the production of motor vehicles, investment and intermediate goods, and less so in the consumer goods industry and in the production of food and beverages. In 2011, manufacturing firms will also raise investment in intangible assets (+2 percent). Construction firms intend to lower their total investments by 2 percent. After reaching extremely low levels, a rise in their building investments is expected for 2011. Investment in machinery, however, will be further reduced in 2011.