WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 6/2021
Christian Glocker, Rapid Economic Recovery on the Horizon • Julia Bachtrögler-Unger, Sabine Ehn-Fragner, Matthias Firgo, Oliver Fritz, Peter Huber, Michael Klien, Gerhard Streicher, Regional Economic Development in the Wake of the COVID-19 Crisis. Economic Development in the Austrian Länder in 2020 • Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Matthias Firgo, Agnes Kügler, Nicole Schmidt-Padickakudy, Digitalisation in Austria: Progress, Digital Skills and Infrastructure during COVID-19 • Klaus S. Friesenbichler, Werner Hölzl, Agnes Kügler, Andreas Reinstaller, Business Uncertainty and Economic Policy Risk Factors in the COVID-19 Crisis. Results of the Update of the WIFO Industry Survey in Summer 2020