Long-term Care in Municipalities
Due to the demographic development, the organisation of long-term care provision in the communities is facing great challenges. On the basis of a survey of municipalities, this study presents the current situation of nursing care provision in the municipalities and an outlook on the future from a municipal perspective in order to define the scope for action in nursing care policy. According to the study, the municipalities benefit little from the demand and development plans of the Länder, although they are in favour of the development of regional demand and development plans. The establishment of regional care information centres with a monitoring function is also welcomed. The regional expansion of the care provision system must be carried out systematically, since the municipalities also believe that the care potential of the family will decrease in the future and the demand for care services will increase. Municipalities are focusing on the expansion of all types of care services, with the emphasis on the expansion of assisted or care-taking housing and mobile services, but also of inpatient and day-care services (with clear differences between the Länder). The expected increase in demand for inpatient care can be delayed and mitigated, but not prevented, by the expansion and promotion of alternatives. In addition to the question of financing, the municipalities see the impending shortage of labour in the care sector as a major challenge for the future.