The EU Budget for the Period 2021 to 2027 – Options for Improving European Added Value
In face of the controversial positions of EU countries and their primary focus on net positions, the EU budget for the period 2021 to 2017 needs to create more European added value to facilitate an agreement of member countries on the next Multiannual Financial Framework. Strengthening the expenditures for research, a climate-friendly transport and energy infrastructure, the second pillar of the common agricultural policy, a pro-active migration and asylum policy as well as integration and development cooperation would increase the European added value of EU expenditures. Linking funds stronger to environmental and climate objectives and objectives related to migration and integration as well as the rule of law would increase the European added value further. European added value would also be created by the introduction of a basket of (tax-based) own resources (in addition to the European Commission's proposals, taxes on aviation as well as the revenues from a Border Carbon Adjustment for the EU Emission Trading System would offer themselves) to partially replace current national contributions to the EU budget.