WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 11/2019
Stefan Ederer, Ambiguous Economic Prospects • Werner Hölzl, Michael Klien, Agnes Kügler, Economic Momentum Weakens Further. Results of the Quarterly Survey of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest October 2019 • Oliver Fritz (WIFO), Karin Maier (Universität Wien), When Travelers Become a Burden. An Economic Conceptualisation of Overtourism and Tourism Policy Options for Combating It • Ina Meyer, Mark Sommer, On the Environmental-economic Significance of the Waste and Resource Economy. Employment Effects of Residual Waste Treatment • Franz Sinabell (WIFO), Martin Schönhart, Erwin Schmid (BOKU), Medium-term Prospects for Agriculture in Austria. Projections for Productivity and Prices