WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 7/2019
Christian Glocker, Slackening Global Economic Activity Dampens Growth Prospects for Austria. Economic Outlook for 2019 and 2020 • Angelina Keil, Calendar of Economic Events. Second Quarter of 2019 • Vasily Astrov (wiiw), Economy in Eastern Europe Grows Despite Global Slowdown • Klaus S. Friesenbichler, Werner Hölzl, Investment is Expected to Increase in Manufacturing in 2019. Results of the WIFO Spring 2019 Investment Survey • Claudia Kettner-Marx, Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig, Angela Köppl, Ina Meyer, Franz Sinabell, Mark Sommer, Key Indicators of Climate Change and the Energy Sector in 2019. Special Topic: Climate Mitigation, Resource Management and the Concept of the Circular Economy