Early Monitoring of the Sustainable and Inclusive Development Goals in Austria – Update 2023
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations aim for global sustainable development encompassing economic, ecological and social aspects. This Research Brief provides an update on the early monitoring of SDG 8 for Austria. Based on the annual SDG monitoring by Eurostat and taking into account the current development in Austria on the basis of the WIFO Economic Outlook and Nowcasts, an early assessment of target achievement for the year 2023 is made. The majority of the economic indicators within SDG 8 are developing towards target achievement, although the economic slowdown in 2023 weakens the positive momentum at the current edge. In the area of the multi-purpose indicators, progress can be observed in 2023 with regard to raw material consumption and the gender gap in inactivity due to family care responsibilities, while a deviation from the target is to be expected with regard to the in work at-risk-of-poverty rate.