WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 6/2024
Christian Glocker, Economic Activity Slow to Gain Momentum • Philipp Piribauer, Sabine Ehn-Fragner, Oliver Fritz, Peter Huber, Michael Klien, Anja Sebbesen, Gerhard Streicher, Major Regional Differences in Economic Development. Economic Development in the Austrian Federal Provinces in 2023 • Yvonne Wolfmayr, Birgit Meyer, Elisabeth Christen, Opportunities and Challenges of the New EU External Trade Policy: Examples of Selected Instruments • Ina Meyer, Mark Sommer (WIFO), Kurt Kratena (CESAR), André Baumgart, Nina Eisenmenger, Willi Haas (BOKU), Decarbonisation and Circular Economy. Economic and Biophysical Effects of Different Scenarios for Austria