University Scientists' Pay in the EU and Other Regions. Findings from Standardised Researcher Profiles
Using standardised CVs to analyse remuneration differences between EU universities and universities located outside the EU, we find that European universities offer more research time and have greater flexibility with respect to working times for comparable young candidates. This is, however, countered by a higher share of temporary employment contracts and fewer opportunities to achieve a tenured position. Also gross salaries for young and senior researchers are lower than in countries outside the EU 27. This is, however, due only to low gross wages in the EU 12 countries. Due to higher tax loads and compulsory social security contributions net salaries are lower than in non-EU-27 universities in all parts of Europe though. This disadvantage is countered by better social security coverage in the EU countries. Finally, EU universities as a rule are also more restrictive in terms of bonus payments to both senior and junior applicants and grant fewer sabbaticals, in particular to young researchers, than non-EU universities.