Background Reports on the Preparation of the European Competitiveness Report for 2010
Starting in 2003, WIFO has been chairing a top-level syndicate of international research institutes charged with preparing the report on European competitiveness by the Directorate General Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission. Partner organisations include luminaries from Harvard University and ETH Zurich, as well as the National Institute of Social and Economic Research (NIESR) in London, the Centre d'Information et de Recherche sur l'Economie Mondiale (CIREM) in Paris, the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Economicas (IVIE) in Valencia, the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) in Mannheim, the Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) in Den Haag, Etlatieto Oy in Helsinki, the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), the Institute for World Economics (VKI) in Budapest and the Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (wiiw). The 2010 report focuses on "foreign R&D and innovation activities in the EU", "European competitiveness in key enabling technologies", "innovation and competitiveness in the creative industries", "trading in intermediary goods and its effect on value-added chains in manufacturing". The summaries of background reports are published in the annual report on European competitiveness. The background reports are usually available for downloading free of charge on the European Commission's homepage.