Cost of Inaction: Assessing Costs of Climate Change for Austria (COIN) - ACRP5
Climate change impact analysis is available in Austria for different thematic areas at very different levels of maturity. The core objective of COIN is to assess costs of climate change for public and private budgets in Austria (i.e., damage costs with presently agreed mitigation but without adaptation measures), and scope the information where full assessment is not yet possible. Therefore a consistent framework will be developed and applied across the various thematic areas. Due to a lack of maturity in some areas and given time and budget restrictions application will partly encounter limitations. All fields of activity and sectors of the Austrian national adaptation strategy are explored by recognised experts. Climate scenarios will be interpreted according to each sector's special needs for certain climate parameters and indices. Instead of delivering a grand total cost sum for all sectors with a top‐down assessment from some average climate triggers, this project applies a broad bottom‐up approach acknowledging sector specific risks and trends. Cross‐sectoral plausibility checks will allow a realistic total range of costs of climate change without adaptation for Austria.