Development of Austrian Agriculture's Share of Value Added
In Austria, agriculture makes a significant contribution to prosperity. However, its economic importance has been declining in recent years. While the share of agriculture in the value chain of agricultural goods, food and beverages was 20.2 percent in 2005. It decreased to 17.5 percent in 2019. Measured in terms of the gross domestic product of the national economy, its share decreased by one tenth, from 0.9 to 0.8 percent. The share of value added can also be calculated in terms of expenditure on local food. The share of Austrian agriculture was almost 4 percent in 2017. In the food industry and in trade, the value-added shares were significantly higher. Overall, from 100 € expenditures for food in Austria, 46 € of value added was generated in the Austrian economy. The rest was accounted for by taxes and imports.