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WIFO Grieves for Rudolf Hundstorfer
Unexpected Death of Former Board Member Causes Deep Shock
"With Rudolf Hundstorfer, Austria loses a passionate social partner who has worked all his life for the positive development of our economy. As a universally recognised social minister, he played a central role in successfully coping with the economic and financial crisis from 2008 onwards", explained WIFO Director Christoph Badelt in a statement following the announcement of the sad news.
As President of the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (ÖGB) and member of the WIFO Board (2006 to 2008), Hundstorfer always advocated an evidence-based policy and independent economic research. "He was always anxious to put the common before the divisive and managed to overcome ideological divides with his problem solving and objective style", said Badelt, who expressed his deepest condolences to all relatives and friends.