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Sharing Work Fairly
Video: OECD Berlin Centre Discussion with Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger
How can couples avoid falling back into traditional patterns when their first child arrives? And will the shortage of skilled workers help young men and women to better realise their working time expectations at work? This was discussed by WIFO Deputy Director Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger at an online event of the OECD Berlin Centre.
The labour force participation of women in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is high. But the hours worked at work, often part-time, are rather low. This has far-reaching consequences for careers and income – and can also lead to poverty in old age. In addition to Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger, Jutta Allmendinger (WZB), Janina Kugel (Supervisory Board Member and author), Monika Queisser (OECD), Marco Salvi (avenir suisse), Valentin Vogt (Swiss Employers' Association) participated in the video chat. The round was moderated by Nicola Brandt (OECD Berlin Centre).
Further information on the event is available here.