
Relaunch of the WIFO-Monatsberichte (Monthly Reports)

New Layout and Even More Up-to-Date Content
New media and information technologies have fundamentally changed reading habits and media consumption, also in the field of specialist interest publications. For this reason, the WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports) have undergone a significant overhaul in terms of content and graphics.

In the run-up to these changes, readers were asked about their perception and use of the journal and about their wishes for adjustments. The WIFO-Monatsberichte are perceived within the target audience as a central reference in economic policy issues in Austria, and readers appreciate the objectivity and impartiality of the articles, which are also conveyed through an unadorned language.

The objective of WIFO-Monatsberichte is to provide regular information on national and international economic developments on the basis of scientifically sound analyses and to make WIFO's research results known to a wider public. In doing so, they are guided by the rigorous quality standards of scientific journals, although they are aimed less at a scientific readership than primarily at an audience of economic experts in public administration, interest groups, international organisations and the private sector. 

WIFO-Monatsberichte will maintain this fundamental orientation. Changes to the layout will facilitates quick and cross-reading. Several adjustments to the content consider the readers' desire for more up-to-date articles and a broader, more systematic coverage of the topics on which WIFO conducts research. Thus, at the beginning of each year, the director of WIFO will present a review of the past year and an outlook on economic and politico-economic developments in the new year that are important for Austria and the EU. The results of WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey) will be presented on a quarterly base. Next to the usual economic reports and summaries of studies conducted by WIFO in the recent past, the journal will now also provide recurrent analyses on economic topics of broader interest such as digitisation, specifically written for the journal.

  • Christoph Badelt
  • Andreas Reinstaller
Finalization: January 2020
Specialist publication: WIFO-Monatsberichte