
Ranking Underlines Key Role of WIFO

Top Places for Christoph Badelt and Margit Schratzenstaller
WIFO has underlined its key scientific, political and media role, not least through its substantial activities in the COVID-19 crisis. This is also reflected in the seventh "Economist Ranking" of the newspaper "Die Presse": Christoph Badelt took third place, Margit Schratzenstaller came in fourth. Stefan Schleicher and Helmut Mahringer made it into the Top 20.

In the "Economist Ranking" of the daily newspapers "Die Presse", "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" and "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", published on 24 September 2020, WIFO once again left the strongest footprint in the overall Austrian ranking. WIFO Director Christoph Badelt improved by one rank and climbed back into the top 3, while budget expert Margit Schratzenstaller, who came fourth, remains the strongest female economist in the ranking. Also, WIFO consultant and environmental economist Stefan Schleicher (place 17) and labour market economist Helmut Mahringer (place 19) are represented in the ranking.

The ranking analyses how often economists from German-speaking countries were mentioned in the media last year, how many scientific quotations they can boast and what influence politics attests them. In addition, Twitter presence was taken into account for the second time this year.

Here you can find the complete "Economist Ranking 2020".