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How Austria Got Through the Crisis and What to be Done Now
Current Article by Gabriel Felbermayr in WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports)
In a current article in WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports) Director Gabriel Felbermayr highlighted some aspects of the COVID-19 crisis and offered some thoughts on the transformation of the energy system and the reform of labour market institutions. The proactive design of both policy areas will be crucial for the country's successful economic future.
Economic policy in Austria in the last two years has been dominated by the COVID-19 crisis. "In international comparison, Austria ranks only average as far as its pandemic response is concerned, both in terms of excess mortality and economic losses. Despite the current acute infection situation, economic policy must once again focus on structural issues that are decisive for long-term prosperity", says Felbermayr.
Finalization: January 2022
Specialist publication: WIFO-Monatsberichte
JEL-Codes: E60, F40, H12, J08