Fair Climate Policy at Global and Regional Level?
The panel discussion will take place in German language at the campus of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Building LC, Festsaal 2, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna) as part of the project "The Role of Structural Change and Distributional Effects" (ROCHADE). WU Vienna and WIFO are local partners. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Austrian National Bank are sponsoring the event.
The panel discussion will be preceded by an English-language, scientific ROCHADE conference. Do ambitious climate policies prevent economic development? Do rising CO2 prices burden poor households in the global South in particular? These questions will be discussed with leading international scholars researching the development and distributional impacts of climate policy and the transformation of the global energy system.
Conference programme:
9:30–9:45 Opening Remarks – Prof. Gabriel Felbermayr, WIFO, WU Vienna
9:45–10:30 Mitigation policies in a globalized and developing world: the role of structural
change and distributional effects (ROCHADE) – Prof. Jan Steckel, BTU Cottbus, MCC
10:30–10:45 Break
10:45–11:15 Putin's war, distributional justice and climate policy options – Lessons from an optimal
taxation model for Germany – Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, TU Berlin, MCC, PIK
11:15–11:45 Global energy regime complexity: the challenges ahead – Prof.in Eugénia da
Conceição-Heldt, TU Munich
11:45–12:15 Feasibility of climate change mitigation in the real world – Prof.in Jessica Jewell,
Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg
Registration for the event is not necessary.