Evidence-Based Policy Making
WIFO provided high-level contributions:
Silvia Rocha-Akis spoke on "Redistribution by the State in Austria and first evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on household incomes".
Under the title "Macroeconometric forecasting using a cluster of dynamic factor models", Christian Glocker and Sergeui Kaniovski provided insights into WIFO's forecasting activities.
Julia Bachtrögler-Unger shed light on "EU research & innovation funding schemes using project-level data for monitoring and evaluation".
Helmut Mahringer and Rainer Eppel presented a cost-revenue analysis on "Counselling and Care Services for Persons with Multiple Placement Barriers".
For more information about the event, please click here.
The closing panel discussion can be watched here:
WIFO's mission is to build a bridge between basic academic research and policy in order to contribute to tackling socio-economic challenges and to create sound foundations for decisions in business and society which require economic information. At the core of WIFO's bridging function are empirical analyses prepared with scientific diligence and integrity.