Basic Research: Approaches for Performance Improvement
To this end, three different policy target dimensions in the area of research, technology and innovation (RTI) were formulated, namely the influence on performance, impact and direction of basic research. "Even though an RTI system like the one in Austria contains elements of all three target dimensions, it makes sense to think of them separately because it is enormously helpful in sorting the instruments and evaluating them", says the team of authors Janger und König.
It becomes clear that the performance of basic research actually lags behind the comparison countries (EU Innovation Leader) in all three target dimensions. The report identified possible levers for each target dimension to increase the performance of basic research.
Especially in the area of the "performance" goal the report does not only concern an increase in financial resources, but also changes in allocation mechanisms. More excellence should also bring more "impact". According to the report, there are also good reasons for more direction-oriented research policy.