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Project lead: Mark Sommer
Ein "WAM" (With Additional Measures) - Szenario für Österreichs Energieverbrauch (A "WAM" (With Additional Measures) – Scenario for Austrias Energy Demand)
Completed research studies
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Commissioned by: Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research
Closed: 2020
Das Projekt definiert ein WAM-Szenario ("With Additional Measures") des Energieverbrauchs in Österreich bis 2030 und 2050 unter Berücksichtigung geplanter und beschlossener ("additional") Maßnahmen der österreichischen Energie- und Klimapolitik (Nationaler Energie- und Klimaplan).
Research group:Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics – Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

A "WAM" (With Additional Measures) – Scenario for Austrias Energy Demand
The project defines a WAM scenario ("with additional measures") on energy consumption in Austria to 2030 and 2050 with respect to the planned and ordered measures of Austrias Energy and Climate policy (National Energy and Climate Plan).