Austria's External Economic Relations 2010
Key issues in the Yearbook "Austria's External Economic Relations 2010" are the current macroeconomic and institutional challenges for the euro area, given the crisis and the development of the euro exchange rate. In addition, the 2010 edition contributions to a number of other interesting topics such as the recovery of the global economy and trade from the global economic crisis, the international exchange rate battle, or recent developments in Austrian foreign trade and foreign direct investment. For the first time, Austrian foreign trade in goods is also discussed at the regional level. The Yearbook also serves as a compact and informative reference for global and Austria-specific trade data. "Austria's Foreign Trade 2010" is the fourth volume of this kind published by the Centre of Excellence "Research Centre International Economics (FIW)" on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth. – Project coordination: Irene Langer, Susanne Sieber (WIFO), Roman Stöllinger (wiiw) – With contributions by Sandra Bilek-Steindl, Fritz Breuss, Rahel Falk, Philipp Mayer, Susanne Sieber, Egon Smeral (WIFO), Vasily Astrov, Leon Podkaminer, Robert Stehrer, Roman Stöllinger, Waltraut Urban (wiiw), Christoph Hammer, Björn Rabethge (FIW project office), Karolin Gstinig, Raimund Kurzmann (Joanneum Research), Franz Nauschnigg, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald (OeNB), Ralf Kronberger (WKO)